PrestaShop offers you the option of disabling the shopping cart on your site. In this way, your visitors will be able to view your products, but will not be able to buy them online. Let's find out how!
To access: Shop settings > Product settings
Why disable the basket?
If you choose to have a showcase store, i.e. a store where your products are displayed without the possibility of purchasing them, i.e. putting them in the shopping cart, you need to deactivate the shopping cart.
This is what PrestaShop calls "catalog mode". For example, if you have a used car store, a showcase site can be an interesting way of displaying your models without allowing your customers to buy them online. Once they've found the model they want, they can go to the store to try it on and pay for it.
How do I disable the shopping cart?
From this page, it's as simple as activating catalog mode:
- Click on the "Catalog mode" switch button.
- Click on "Save".
[metatitle:]How to disable the shopping cart - Help PrestaShop[:metatitle] [metadescription:]Find out how to enable catalog mode to disable the shopping cart on your PrestaShopstore.[:metadescription]
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