What is a product flow?
Your product feed is a list of products you want to promote on Google. PrestaShop automatically creates and regularly updates your product flow from your store.
PrestaShop Marketing with Google will automatically synchronize all your PrestaShop product data with Google Merchant Center immediately after you submit your product flow settings. You won't be able to filter the products you want to send to Google. By default, all active products and their variants will be exported. Products will be sent to your Merchant Center and updated 4 daily.
Why optimizing your flows is essential
Successfully synchronizing more products will enable you to be more visible on Google Shopping through organic and advertising campaigns, improving the performance of your online store.
In this documentation, you'll find tips for creating and optimizing your product feeds to ensure the success of your ad on Google Shopping.
Your feeds are checked for synchronization
If you are using the Prestashop Marketing with Google module, when you upload a feed, a 2 verification process will take place.
Go to the Product feeds tab to check the status of your feed synchronization - see image below.
Step 1: Prestashop verification
Prestashop analyzes the feed to check data accuracy and validity against Google requirements
○ Compliant products: if products are deemed to meet Google's requirements, they are sent to Google
○ Non-conforming products: if this is not the case, the products are not sent and a list of the problem(s) to be solved is sent to the user.
During this first check, any product that does not have the following attribute will be considered non-compliant and will therefore not be synchronized with Google :
- Product without image
- Product without price
- Product without product name
- Product without identifier
- Product without description
- Unrelated product
Step 2: Google check
Google analyzes the feed and determines the status of each product
○ Approved: products comply with Google requirements and can be displayed on free ads and ads on all channels with optimized visibility
○ Downgraded: products are approved, but recommended attributes are missing. This will reduce their visibility on Google channels and lead to a drop in performance. This is a shame, especially if you have advertising campaigns in place, as you risk losing your sales potential.
○ Refused :
Please note: for the time being, with the current user interface, users are not aware of approved products that have "limited visibility" on Google channels. Products are eligible to be displayed on Free Ads and Shopping Ads, but their performance will not be optimal until the merchant provides the missing attributes.
In the current PrestaShop product flow tab, these products would fall under "Approved" rather than "Rejected". However, merchants who click on "Approved" will be directed to the Merchant Center Front End, which may not properly communicate the steps they need to take to improve their performance.
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