To send e-mails from your personal e-mail address to your store's customers, you can add your personal e-mail account as a sending address via SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). To do this, you first need to retrieve your SMTP e-mail settings and then add your personal e-mail account as the sending address in your store's back office.
1. Recover your SMTP mail settings
To retrieve your SMTP settings from messagerie, you need to contact your e-mail account provider, , which in most cases is also your domain name provider and web host.
The information you'll need to add your personal e-mail account as your SMTP mailing address is as follows:
- Server address smtp,
- Your e-mail address,
- Your e-mail password,
- Type of encryption,
- The port used.
2. Add your personal e-mail account as a delivery address
To add your personal e-mail account as a sending address via SMTP, configure your PrestaShop store's SMTP e-mail settings by following the steps below:
- Log in to your online store back-office PrestaShop and select "Advanced settings > E-mail" from the left-hand menu.
- In the "Send my emails to" section, select the "Use my own SMTPsettings" option.
- Fill in the required fields with the following information :
- Server SMTP: {server address smtp},
- User SMTP: {your e-mail address},
- Password SMTP: {password your e-mail address},
- Encryption: {encryption type: "TLS" or "SSL"},
- Port: {port used: for example, "587"}.
- Click on the Save button to save your settings.
3. Testing outgoing e-mails
To test outgoing e-mails, in the "Test your e-mail configuration" section, enter your e-mail address and click on the Send test e-mail button. If everything has been configured correctly, you'll receive a test e-mail in your inbox.
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[metatitle:]Send emails via SMTP from your personal email account - Help PrestaShop[:metatitle]
[metadescription:]Find out how to send emails via SMTP from your personal email account.[:metadescription]
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