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Transfer files via SFTP


This feature is only available if you have set SFTP in the deployment mode, DEPLOY tab.


The configuration is only accessible in the development environment, you cannot deploy to any other environment.


Command lines to deploy

Here are two example command lines for deploying your code from one machine to another using rsync and scp. Note that rsync is the preferred tool because it is faster than scp.


You must adapt the command line to your needs.

RSYNC command line to deploy from your premises to your server:

rsync -arvz -e 'ssh -p **port**' ./ **user**@**host**:/vol/site/current/

SCP command line to deploy from your premises to your server:

scp -r ./ -P **port** **user**@**host**:/vol/site/current/


Deploy with software

To deploy with software, please refer to this guide:

Connexion SFTP


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