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- How to ensure that your feed passes the verification stages.
How to ensure that your feed passes the verification stages.
Silvana Jimenez
-Updated on Monday, August 12, 2024
To ensure that your product feed can be synchronized with Google Shopping, be sure to include all mandatory attributes as shown below.
Read the full article in the Google Merchant Center Help Center here
1) Include product master data in your feed
○ Product title: describe your product and match the title of your landing page
○ Description: must describe your product with detailed information and match your landing page description
○ Link to your product landing page
○ Link to your product's main image: image must not include overlays
○ Product category: all products are automatically assigned a product category from Google's constantly evolving product taxonomy. Providing high-quality titles and descriptions, as well as accurate pricing, brand and GTIN information, will help ensure that your products are correctly categorized.
2) Provide identifiers in your feed
In order to be considered Google compliant and sent to Google, each product must have correctly mentioned in the feed a valid identifier from among the following:
■ The GTIN value can be :
● UPC (in America Nord/GTIN-12) 12
-digit number as 323456789012
8 -digit UPC-E codes must be converted to 12 -digit codes
● EAN (in Europe/GTIN-13) 13
-digit number such as 3001234567892
● JAN (at Japon/GTIN-13) 8 or 13 digit
number such as 49123456 or 4901234567894
● ISBN (for books)
Number with 10 or 13 digits such as 1455582344 or 978-1455582341. If you have both, include only the 13 number. ISBN-10 are obsolete and must be converted to ISBN-13
● ITF-14 (for packaging multiples/GTIN-14) 14
-digit number like 10856435001702
■ Learn more about the GTIN here [https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324461?sjid=3479659831329941108-EU&visit_id=638355565322146629-4099567402&rd=1]
○ Manufacturer Part Number (MPN): if your product doesn't have a GTIN, you'll need to supply the MPN.
■ Find out more about MPN here [https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324482?sjid=3479659831329941108-EU&visit_id=638355565322146629-4099567402&rd=1]
○ Brand (only 1 language or 1 alphabet)
■ Find out more about the brand here [https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324351?sjid=3479659831329941108-EU&visit_id=638355565322146629-4099567402&rd=1]
3) Provide price and availability in your feed
● Price: specify the exact price and currency of the product, and match it to the price on your landing page and the price displayed at checkout.
● Product availability must be declared using one of the following states:
○ en_stock
○ en_rupture_de_stock
○ order pending
○ pre-order
■ In the case of a pre-order, indicate an availability date (also displayed on your product's landing page) using this format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm [+hhmm].
4) Specific tips for apparel products in your feed
If you sell apparel products, be sure to include the mandatory attributes:
● Size
○ Example: S, 36, 43
● Age range
○ Newborn [newborn] for 0-3 months
○ Bébé [baby] for 3-12 months
○ Tout-petit [toddler] for ages 1-5
○ Children [kids] for ages 5-13
○ Adult [adult] for teenagers or older people
● Color
○ Alphanumeric - 40 characters maximum
● Gender
○ Man [man]
○ Woman [woman]
○ Unisex [unisexe]
● Item group identifier: use an item group identifier for a set of products that differ in one or more of these attributes:
5) Define delivery parameters
● Delivery: indicate the delivery costs for your product, the delivery times and the locations to which your product can be delivered.
● Tax : indicate the sales tax rate for your product as a percentage