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Pop Promo


The Pop Promo module (Popup) developed by PrestaShop lets you create and display a pop-in that every customer sees as soon as they enter your store. This module can be used to announce a special offer, a new product, increase your community on social networks, etc. Find below all the information you need to understand and use this module.


The module is configured via 2 tabs:

  • The image manager, where you can import as many images as you like for your pop-ups.
  • The configuration in which you set up one or more pop-up campaigns with your saved images


Image manager

Click on "Upload images" to save new images in your image manager.

Choose the language for which you wish to display this image, the file to be downloaded and the image name.


💡 The maximum image size depends on your server settings. You can see the maximum file size allowed in the Image Manager tab > Upload images > Image to upload.


You'll be able to find all the images you've uploaded, along with their assigned names. Click on Preview to display the desired image, or on Delete. Above the table, you can sort by language to display the images available for each language.



In this tab, you can access all your previously scheduled pop-up campaigns. By default, these are disabled. You can also edit and delete your campaigns, and view them by language.

Click on Create a new notification, add the campaign name, a start and end date (you can leave these fields blank), and the duration of the pop-up. Then choose a language, an associated image and a redirection link when your customers click on pop-up (if you wish), and repeat the operation for some / all of your store's languages. Finally, choose the size of your image in pixels.


Frequently asked questions

What image size should I define?

The default size is 500x500px. However, you can define other dimensions that better suit your image.


How many times will the pop-up be displayed on my store for the same visitor?

To comply with recommended practices for this type of communication format, once the visitor closes the pop-up (it appears on the first page they visit on your site), they won't see it again during their browser session.


What should I do if my pop-up doesn't appear?

  1. Please ensure that you have activated the pop-up in the configuration tab.
  2. Click on the "Clear cache" button and reload your front-office page.


You can find this module on PrestaShop Marketplace! And take a look at our article on how to install a module.

If you have any questions about the module, you can also contact PrestaShop support directly via the Marketplace.


⚠️This article has been translated by an automatic translation program.


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