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Unsubscribe from the PrestaShop Hosted offer


You've chosen the Hosted offer to get started on your PrestaShop adventure, and it doesn't meet your needs. You can cancel your subscription at any time from your store's back office, which you can access using the login details you received in the e-mail confirming your registration.


Go to your store's Dashboard page

Click on Manage my subscription (Gérer mon abonnement)


Click on Stop subscription (Arrêter l'abonnement)


Stop current subscription


Choose the reason for your departure and click on Unsubscribe (se désabonner)


You can see that your subscription has been cancelled.


Our teams will then contact you to confirm your site's decommissioning date and offer to send you a backup of your store data.


💡 Don't hesitate to contact us if you'd like to renew your subscription once your trial period has expired. Our support teams will be delighted to help you.



Frequently asked questions


What if I don't see the Stop subscription button in the Manage my subscription menu?

Sometimes your PrestaShop account is not automatically associated with your store. You'll need to associate the store and your account, and you will then have access to the unsubscribe option.


What if I can't find the Manage my subscription menu?

If you have installed several stores, make sure that you are connected to the PrestaShop Hostedstore. 

How long does the free trial last?

The trial period is 14 days, and the first invoice will be sent at the end of this period.

Can I unsubscribe at any time?

Yes, the Hosted offer is non-binding. You can decide to stop it at any time, and you won't be billed the following month.

If I stop my Hosted subscription in the middle of the current month, do I keep access to my store for the remaining time?

Yes, your store will be decommissioned on the next anniversary date only. For example: your trial period ended on January 2, 2023, and you were invoiced a first time. On January 26 , you decide that the open source solution is more appropriate and cancel your subscription. Your store will remain open until February 2, 2023.




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