Meta-tags should not be overlooked when it comes to optimizing your site's SEO.
What is a meta-tag?
For those of you who aren't computer experts, you might think this is Chinese... But no, don't worry!
A meta-tag is information about the nature or content of a web page. This meta-tag is added to the page header using HTML markers.
They are used to give a title to a page and to inform search engines.
And where does it go?
Now that you know a little more about meta-tags, let's see where they fit!
As mentioned above, the tags are added to the header of your HTMLpage. Thanks to PrestaShop, meta tags can be added much more easily!
How do I use meta tags on PrestaShop ?
On your home page,
To add meta tags to your home page, follow these steps:
Go to the "Preferences" tab in the main menu, then select "SEO & URLs".
Select the "index.php" page
Then fill in the meta tags!
On your Categories pages,
For your category pages, the process of adding meta tags is different:
In the main menu, select the "Catalog" tab, then "Category".
On the left of the screen you'll see a small checkbox, then on the right you select the pencil (the cross will delete the category!). Now you can edit your categories and add your meta tags! Of course, you can also enter them when you create the category.
On your product pages,
For this page, a different kind of manipulation awaits you!
Go to the "Catalog" tab, then to "Products".
Once your product list appears, select the product you wish to tag.
Then select the "SEO" tab and fill in your meta tags!
5 mistakes to avoid in your tags!
- Don't use the same description for several pages, otherwise the search engines will consider that you're duplicating your pages - a practice forbidden in SEO! A unique description for every page!
- Don't list keywords as descriptions, or search engines will put you in the SPAM category. The description summarizes your page and expands on the title!
- Don't repeat the same keyword in close succession!
- Would you like your site to be available in several languages? No problem at all! But you need to separate your site into separate entities to avoid being considered a spammer because of the repetitions!
- Finally, avoid using accents and special characters, which are not very popular with search engines!
Now you're ready to mark up your site! You've got all the tools you need to be well-referenced, so make the most of them! Meta-tags are your allies in getting your page noticed by search engines!
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