SSH access
Access is available in the CREDENTIALS tab. Each environment has its own access with a Host, Connection Port and Username.
You can log in via the command line:
ssh -P **Port Username**@**Host** -i ~/your_private_key
You can also use Filezilla.
Filezilla can offer to convert the format of your key.
Quick Connection
An icon allows you to obtain the command line indicated above without having to copy/paste several times:
This gives the following result:
ssh -4 **Host** -l **Username** -p **Port**
Local SSH configuration
If you want, you can create a configuration file with an alias to make it easier to connect to different environments. This file can be found here : ~/.ssh/config
# Development environment
Host my-shop-dev # Your instance name for development
Hostname **** # Host in development
User **Username** # Username in development
Port **Port** # Port in development
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/**id_rsa** # Your private key
ForwardAgent yes
# Staging environment
Host your-shop-staging # Your instance name for staging
Hostname **** # Host in staging
User **Username** # Username in staging
Port **Port** # Port in staging
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/**id_rsa** # Your private key
ForwardAgent yes
# Production environment
Host your-shop-prod # Your instance name for production
Hostname **** # Host in production
User **Username** # Username in production
Port **Port** # Port in production
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/**id_rsa** # Your private key
ForwardAgent yes
You can then log in using the defined alias:
ssh you-shop-prod
SSH key management
Add SSH keys
After retrieving your SSH key, you can add it to the CREDENTIALS tab by clicking the Manage your key button.
Then copy/paste your key into the text box and click the Save button.
Delete SSH keys
To delete an SSH key, simply remove it from the list in the Key Management tab and click the Save button.
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