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Link a store to your PrestaShop account


Your PrestaShop account can be linked to your store thanks to a module: PrestaShop Account. It was developed by PrestaShop and is automatically installed on stores downloaded from the PrestaShop website. This module and your account are here to help you navigate the PrestaShop ecosystem.


To benefit from the advantages of this module, simply link your store to your PrestaShop account. Here are the steps to follow!


First, go to the module manager page in your back office. Search for "Account" to bring up the module. Then click on the "Configure" button.



You now have access to the option of connecting your store with your account. Click on "Link".


📝 A store cannot be associated with more than one PrestaShop account. On the other hand, an account can be associated with several stores, allowing you to manage them from the same PrestaShop account.


A pop-up window opens: If you are not logged in, please log in now with your PrestaShop account. If you don't have one, you'll need to create one. The pop-up also invites you to create an account. There are other ways of creating this account, so please consult the dedicated article.



Then start the association process by clicking on the Accept and associate button.



Once the association is complete, you'll see the list of stores associated with your PrestaShop account. This list can be retrieved and managed from the module's configuration page.



Some modules (such as PrestaShop Checkout) will require you to associate your store with your account before you can use them. In these cases, you'll be guided through the same association process.


If required, you can also dissociate your account from its associated store(s). Read this article to find out more.


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