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Subscription management for recurring payment modules.


How are subscriptions for recurring payment modules managed?

On our PrestaShop Marketplace, you'll find modules that can be purchased 1 in a single transaction, and which include the Business Care service as an annual subscription (tacitly renewable).

But you'll also find modules that are free to download, and require subscription to access full functionality.

For example: Store Commander, Lightning SEO, Socialbug

Some offer a free trial period, plus pricing that varies at the time of activation. Pricing details can be found in the product sheet.


How do you manage these subscriptions?

You can manage your subscriptions (payment methods, invoices, pricing, unsubscribe) from the back office of your PrestaShop store:
Modules > Module manager > Configure.
Please note that each subscription is managed individually. Deleting your store or PrestaShop account does not cancel your subscription.

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Where can I find my subscription invoices?

You can also find all your subscription invoices from your PrestaShop Account:

Invoices" tab: Issue date, amount and invoice to download.

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How do I request support?

If you need technical assistance, you can always contact our Marketplace PrestaShop Help Center:

  1. "I have a question about a purchased product"
  2. Select the free product from the drop-down menu
  3. Fill in the contact form

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In some cases, you can contact the developer from your back office, but this option is only available if the developer has added it to his module.

Colissimo module example - Official :

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Frequently asked questions.

If I delete my PrestaShop Account or close my store, will my subscriptions be cancelled too?

No, you'll have to go to your back office first and stop all subscriptions to avoid being billed.


What are the refund policies?

You can stop your subscription at any time, however, any period started is due. Except in the event of a proven technical malfunction. In this case, please contact our support department to discuss your request via our Help Center.


Related articles.

Invoices for your PrestaShop purchases

Business Care subscription


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