If you have lost the association between your store and your PrestaShop account, follow these steps:
1. Empty the store cache
In your back office, go to Advanced Settings > Performance, then click on the Clear Cache button at the top right of the page.
2. Reconnect your store and your PrestaShop account
In the back office, go to the Modules > Module Manager section, then look for PrestaShop Account and click on "Configure". For more details on the procedure, see the article Associate a store with your PrestaShop account.
3. Check your modules
If you are using modules that require login, then go to their configuration pages. You can check there that they are operational. To learn more about where to find your modules, see the article Updating a module.
4. For the more specific case of the PrestaShop Checkout module
Check that your PayPal account is properly connected to the module, and reconnect if necessary.
To do this, go to the Checkout configuration page (via the module manager, or the payment > payment methods menus). You will then have access to the option to configure the connection, or to perform it.
Some recommendations:
- Make sure to use the up-to-date versions of all modules concerned.
- Check that there is nothing blocking the association of your store (see the article).
If after these steps you are still having difficulties, then do not hesitate to contact PrestaShop support on this form.
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